
Content Library

  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
DFT Study of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Salicylate: A Third-Generation Ionic Liquid
Armakovi’, et al. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2015, 21, 246
  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
Structuring of Water in the New Generation Ionic Liquid – Comparative Experimental and Theoretical Study
Vrane’, et al. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 93, 164
  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
Kosmotropism of Newly Synthesized 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Taurate Ionic Liquid: Experimental and Computational Study
Tot, et al. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 94, 85
  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
Structure Making Properties of 1-(2-hydroxylethyl)-3-methylimidazolium Chloride Ionic Liquid
Vrane’, et al. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 95, 174
  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
Optoelectronic Properties of Higher Acenes, Their BN Analogue and Substituted Derivatives
Armakovi’, et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 170, 210
  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
Influence of Sumanene Modifications with Boron and Nitrogen Atoms to its Hydrogen Adsorption Properties
Armakovi’, et al. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 2859
  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
Determination of Reactive Properties of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Taurate Ionic Liquid Employing DFT Calculations
Armakovi’, et al. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 222, 796
  • Publication
  • Aug 30, 2016
High-throughput Quantum Chemistry and Virtual Screening for OLED Material Components
Halls, et al. Proceedings of SPIE 8829, Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XVII, 2013, 882926
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